Coinbase® Extension®

Adding Crypto to the Coinbase Wallet Browser Extension

Follow these simple steps to add cryptocurrency to your Coinbase Wallet through the browser extension:

  1. Open the Coinbase Wallet Extension: Click on the Coinbase Wallet icon in your browser toolbar.

  2. Access Your Wallet: Enter your password if prompted, to unlock your wallet.

  3. Navigate to ‘Receive’: Inside the wallet, find and click on the ‘Receive’ button or tab.

  4. Choose the Cryptocurrency: Select the type of cryptocurrency you want to add to your wallet.

  5. Copy Your Wallet Address: You will see a wallet address or a QR code. Copy this address.

  6. Transfer Funds: Go to the platform or wallet where your cryptocurrency is currently stored. Initiate a transfer to the wallet address you copied in the previous step.

  7. Confirm the Transaction: Review the transfer details and confirm the transaction. There may be a network fee associated with the transfer.

  8. Wait for Confirmation: The transaction will need some time to be confirmed on the blockchain. Once confirmed, your cryptocurrency will appear in your Coinbase Wallet.

Remember, always double-check wallet addresses before transferring funds. Transferring cryptocurrencies to the wrong address may result in the loss of your funds.

Last updated